in buenos aires, most people spoke some english, and some spoke very well. i got to do about 10 intubations, i could have put in IVs and art lines - but was put off by the sharps handling here in argentina - OH&S doesnt feature strongly here. i had some great clinical conversations with the anaesthetists and the airway experience was good. a lot of time was just watching though - it's hard to inspire confidence when you don't speak the language, and being a private hospital i think they were a little reluctant to get me too involved.

here in olavarria, my first day was just observing - as the anaesthetist didn't speak any english. people were extremely friendly though, had a good chat with frequent use of gestures, pointing and reference to the spanish - english dictionary with the tecnicians and nurses in the tearoom.
day 2 in olavarria, i met a younger anaesthetist who speaks very good english. he's been to france for residency, and he was very slick clinically. he got me to intubate an 8yo child as soon as i arrived (which was easier than i expected). After that went OK he treated me like a trainee anaesthetist, left to do another case while i took care of a patient having a total hip joint replacement under spinal anaesthesia. he gave me instructions like - give 2l saline fast, then slow it down. if the BP drops, give ephedrine, any big problems call me - kinda scary, but this is really how i will learn best - and it's exactly the experience i was hoping for.
The rest of week 1 : after a difficult day on wednesday where i was with 2 anaesthetists who spoke no english, I've had 2 great days working with the same anaesthetist I was with on my second day. I've done all the intubations, airway management, and use of the anaesthetic machine. The anaesthetist has said, you give the anaesthetic - I'll supervise - perfect! I'll be with him again next week too - should be interesting! Olavarria is a nice enough little town, but the medical experience has been fantastic.

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